שבת Date: 25 Elul, 5774 (9/20/14) – Chagigah#12 {Tani}

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Irritable Much?

[12b bottom] Reish Lakish: One who engages in Torah study at night is endowed with charm during the day by Hashem. Rashi [GM’ Avodah Zorah 3b]: G-d makes a person appear charming in the eyes of others. Maharsha: Usually when one is up all night, he/she is irritable in the morning and others are aware of it. However, when one learns Torah during the night, the individual becomes blessed the next morning with a radiant countenance.

T’s Lesson: Many times we are irritable in the morning, seemingly due to a bad nights sleep. However, if we try to learn at night, especially near bed time, we may wake up in a good mood, if Hashem allows. We should all try to learn a little something before bed, even if it is only to wake up in a better mood!