יום ד Date: 3 Tishrei, 5776 (10/5/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 9 {Tani Guterman}
WEIRD WAYS [9a bottom] R’ Kahana: It is not ‘the way of people’ to ride animals in the city. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We …
WEIRD WAYS [9a bottom] R’ Kahana: It is not ‘the way of people’ to ride animals in the city. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We …
CORNERED CHARACTERS [9b bottom] Ulla: Pe’ah (the ‘corner’ portion of one’s crops that the Torah commands growers in Israel to leave over …
MUDDLED MEMORIES [8b bottom] R’ Yosef: R’ Yehuda told me that Shmuel said two rulings, one regarding someone riding an animal and …
AMALGAMATING ANIMALS [8b bottom] Shmuel explaining R’ Meir: One sitting in a wagon attached to Kilayim (two animals of different species that …
DOCUMENTAL DATA [7b bottom] R’ Elazar: If a contract being held by two parties, where one is holding the Tofes (generic form …
PITCHER PLUGS [7b bottom] R’ Acha of Difti to Ravina: What is the purpose of giving a portion of the document to …
BATHHOUSE BUMBLES [6b bottom] Gemarah: There was a bathhouse that was in dispute between two parties. One of the disputants ‘sanctified’ the …
RETURNING RECALLS [6a middle] R’ Sheishess son of R’ Iddi: Money taken improperly can be returned, but an oath once uttered cannot …
MINDFUL MUZZLES [5b middle] R’ Yehudah: A regular shepherd is disqualified from being a witness (for he steals by allowing his animals …
PACIFYING PAYMENTS [5b bottom] Gemarah: People who claim to have lost items that they were supposed to be watching and even willingly …