יום ב Date: 1 Tishrei, 5776 (10/3/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 7 {Tani}
[7b bottom] R’ Elazar: If a contract being held by two parties, where one is holding the Tofes (generic form section, which is the same for all contracts) and the other is holding the Toref (detail section, containing the parties, time, etc.), each party only gets the section that they are holding.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should all do our parts to make sure that we grab onto whatever we can get a hold of on G-d’s ‘Document of Life.’ The Torah not only specifically details history, but is a living DNA of the world. In order for us to truly LIVE, we need to make sure that we follow Hashem’s rules and make our unique Toref impressions for all time.