יום ג Date: 2 Tishrei, 5776 (10/4/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 8 {Tani Guterman}

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[8b bottom] R’ Yosef: R’ Yehuda told me that Shmuel said two rulings, one regarding someone riding an animal and one about leading an animal, but I do not remember which which would acquire the animal or not.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always try to be careful to remember that which we learn. It is important to do Chazarah (review) to not only be able to recall information, but to live with it and make it part of our beings. This is why it is great to have tidbits of Torah re-learned to be able recall noteworthy comments [like these Life Lessons from Daily Dose of Daf!].