יום ג Date: 30 Shevat, 5776 (2/9/16) – Gittin Daf 58 {Tani}
SCHEDULED STEALINGS [58b middle] R’ Yosef: We have a tradition that there is never an instance in which land is stolen without …
SCHEDULED STEALINGS [58b middle] R’ Yosef: We have a tradition that there is never an instance in which land is stolen without …
ATTRACTIVE ACADEMICS [58a middle] R’ Yehoshua ben Chanina once went to a city and was told of a boy who was Tov …
TORAH TOILING [57b bottom] R’ Nachman bar Yitzchak: The verse, “Because for Your sake we are killed all the time…” is a …
YEARNING YERUSHALAYIM [57a bottom] R’ Yosef to Abaye: The famous village of Sechanya in Mitzrayim was destroyed even though they had many …
MISPLACED MODESTY [56a top] Bar-Kamtza, after being publicly embarrassed by fellow Jews at a party, had convinced the Romans to send a …
MANIACAL MESSENGERS [56a middle] Caesar Niron was sent to go destroy the city of Yerushalayim. Before entering, he ran into a schoolboy …
CONTROLLING CONSEQUENCES [55b bottom] R’ Yochanan: “Fortunate is the man that always fears the consequences of his actions and he that hardens …
PILFERED PLANKS [55a top] Mishnah: In a thief stole a wooden board and built it into the structure of his new home, …
VOIDED VALUE [54b bottom] R’ Ami to R’ Yirmiyah: When the names of G-d are not written with proper intention in a …
CAUSING CATASTROPHES [54a bottom] Mishnah [Terumos]: One many not (Rabbinically) immerse vessels in a Mikvah on Shabbos (to fix them), but if …