יום ג Date: 30 Shevat, 5776 (2/9/16) – Gittin Daf 58 {Eliezer}
[58a middle] R’ Yehoshua ben Chanina once went to a city and was told of a boy who was Tov Roei “beautiful to the eyes” that was in jail [who he eventually redeemed and became the famous Kohen Gadol, R’ Yishmael ben Elisha].
Chazal: King Dovid is also referred to as Tov Roei, but this really means that anyone who SAW him was inspired to do GOOD.
D-E-ep Thoughts: Being around greatness inspires awesomeness. The environments we put ourselves into, and the people the we surround ourselves with, greatly influence our statuses. We should never purposefully put ourselves into compromising situations and strive to frequent Holy people that we would like to emulate.