יום א Date: 28 Shevat, 5776 (2/7/16) – Gittin Daf 56 {Tani}
[56a top] Bar-Kamtza, after being publicly embarrassed by fellow Jews at a party, had convinced the Romans to send a sacrifice to the Temple (but he split its lip/eye on the journey, so it was invalid as an offering). The Sages offered two suggestions (to sacrifice it anyway, or to kill Bar-Kamtza) but R’ Zechariah ben Avkulas opposed them (as he thought those decisions would lead people to faulty assumptions in Jewish law). R’ Yochanan explained that R’ Zechariah’s misplaced humility/compassion [of worrying about future Jewish law and saving Bar-Kamtza] caused the Temple’s destruction and the Jewish people’s exile.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always be careful never to place humility in dangerous places or onto people who do not deserving of it [ie: Shaul spared King Agag of the amelakim, and Haman came forth from him]. When we (G-d forbid) spare terrorists, they get out and kill again. We must have proper compassion where mandated, but we should know where never to misplace our trust (especially for those who blatantly abuse it).
[56a bottom] The Baryonei burned the resources of Yerushalayim (and created a famine) in order to force the inhabitants to face and fight the Romans. R’ Yochanan instead spoke to his nephew (a Baryonei himself) about faking his death and smuggling his body out of the city walls in a coffin [to try and reason with the emperor Vespasian]. R’ Yochanan was willing to put himself in grave danger to try and save his fellow brethren.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should all try to have such great self sacrifice. Even though we are not asked to put our physical lives on the line, we should strive to give of ourselves for the sake of our spouses, families and nation. We should be selfless with our time and money to make time for those we care about deeply.