יום ד Date: 13 Teves, 5777 (1/11/17) – Bava Metzia Daf 107 ~ Tani Guterman
MORNING MUNCHIES [107b middle] Braisa: Rabbis: Some of the many benefits of eating breakfast (ie: bread in the mornings) include saving people …
MORNING MUNCHIES [107b middle] Braisa: Rabbis: Some of the many benefits of eating breakfast (ie: bread in the mornings) include saving people …
HANDLING HORNS [106a bottom] R’ Chanina Ben Dosa once had a miracle occur when his goats brought bears back on their horns …
HABITABLE HEADS [105b middle] Braisa: R’ Chiya: If one takes out compost/garbage on his head while he is wearing Tefillin, he should …
CONSORT COVERAGE [104a bottom] Braisa: R’ Yehudah: A man is required to provide his wife with the animals for any Korbanos (sacrifices) …
PLACE PRACTICES [103a bottom] Mishnah: If someone leases a field from his friend (and he will do the work in exchange for …
MOVING MEZUZAHS [102a top] Braisa: Rabbis: If one rents a house to his fellow, it is incumbent upon the tenant to put …
ENTIRELY ENCOMPASSING [101 b bottom] Mishnah: If one rents a house to his fellow, the landlord is obligated to provide a door …
MOVEABLE MEN [100b top] R’ Meir: A slave is similar to movable property with respect to the law of oaths. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: …
DEFINITE DISASTERS [93b bottom] Mishnah: Attacks on sheep that a watcher is caring for by bandits, lions, bears, leopards, polecats, and/or snakes …
PASSING PITFALLS [92a bottom] Gemarah: We tell a Nazir [one who has taken a vow not to drink wine (among other prohibitions)], …