יום א Date: 10 Teves, 5777 (1/8/17) – Bava Metzia Daf 104 ~ Tani Guterman
[104a bottom] Braisa: R’ Yehudah: A man is required to provide his wife with the animals for any Korbanos (sacrifices) that she must bring, for the in the Kesuvah (Jewish marriage financial contract protecting a wife) he wrote: “My properties are pledged for every claim you may have against me from before up to now.”
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: It is important for properly take care of and support our spouses. Not only should we do so from senses of obligation, but we should yearn to help whenever possible. We have to realize the our spouses are literally our other halves and by helping them we are in essence helping ourselves even more.