יום ה Date: 7 Teves, 5777 (1/5/17) – Bava Metzia Daf 101 ~ Tani Guterman
[101 b bottom] Mishnah: If one rents a house to his fellow, the landlord is obligated to provide a door bolt and lock (and all craftsman type work).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: It is important to take care of those who are involved with the care of our belongings/family. Since we want what is best for ourselves, we should treat our renters and workers with (above) the best care. When others feel extra cared about, they are more inclined to want to give back even more (and go beyond the regular call of duty). By giving extra care regularly, we will eventually come to do it for selfless reasons as well [just because it is a better way to live, to give].