שבת Date: 27 Shevat, 5776 (2/6/16) – Gittin Daf 55 {Tani}
CONTROLLING CONSEQUENCES [55b bottom] R’ Yochanan: “Fortunate is the man that always fears the consequences of his actions and he that hardens …
CONTROLLING CONSEQUENCES [55b bottom] R’ Yochanan: “Fortunate is the man that always fears the consequences of his actions and he that hardens …
PILFERED PLANKS [55a top] Mishnah: In a thief stole a wooden board and built it into the structure of his new home, …
VOIDED VALUE [54b bottom] R’ Ami to R’ Yirmiyah: When the names of G-d are not written with proper intention in a …
CAUSING CATASTROPHES [54a bottom] Mishnah [Terumos]: One many not (Rabbinically) immerse vessels in a Mikvah on Shabbos (to fix them), but if …
DELIBERATE DAMAGE [53a bottom] R’ Yochanan: The Sages made people liable for deliberate damage [even if the loss is unrecognizable, ie: produce …
POTENTIAL PAINS [53a bottom] Rashi: A damager of sacrifices must pay restitutions, no matter what type of offerings [if obligatory then substitutes …
PROPERTY PARTNERS [52a middle] R’ Yosi always called his wife his “house,” (since she was the mainstay of his house), and his …
FEMININE FLARE [52a bottom] R’ Yosi always called his wife his “house.” A wife/woman specifically blesses the home each week with the …
DEFIANT DENIALS [51b bottom] Gemarah: It is presumed that a person is not brazen enough to deny his obligation to the face …
PROPER PRAISE [51b top] Rabbanan: When someone claims to have found one thing, we assume he did not find a second along …