יום ד Date: 24 Shevat, 5776 (2/3/16) – Gittin Daf 52 {Tani}

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[52a middle] R’ Yosi always called his wife his “house,” (since she was the mainstay of his house), and his called his ox his “field” (because it was the mainstay of his field). Since his wife was his entire life and ran the life inside their home, and his ox was the reason he achieved much successful produce in the field, he would ensure to give proper respect and honor accorded with their titles.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Our homes are where our spouses are. We should always ensure to take proper care of our our ‘homes’ and safeguard all that we hold dear. Our words are not only extremely descriptive, but also reflect how much or little we appreciate things to others.