יום ו Date: 21 Nisan, 5775 (4/10/15) – Kesuvos#67 {Tani}
FIERY SHAME [67b bottom] Mar Ukva and his wife both jumped into a fiery furnace (when being chased by a poor person …
FIERY SHAME [67b bottom] Mar Ukva and his wife both jumped into a fiery furnace (when being chased by a poor person …
SELF REFLECTIONS [67b top] Torah [Bereishis 2:18]: אֶעֱשֶׂה לּוֹ עֵזֶר כְּנֶגְדּוֹ (I shall make him a helpmate “opposite” him). R’ Hirsch & …
POOPY SORTERS [66b bottom] R’ Yochanan ben Zakkai was once traveling with his students out of Yerushalayim and they saw a lady …
SPIRITUAL SCENTS [66b middle] R’ Ashi: A groom has to give specific money for his bride’s beautification purposes (ie: perfumes). Tosephos (Rabbeinu …
MODERATE MEASURES [65a middle] Braisa: One cup of wine is good for a woman, but two are degrading (ie: as it may …
SELF JUDGEMENTS [65a top] R’ Yehudah of (Kefar Neviraya/Kefar Nafor Chayil): [Shmuel 1:9] “And Chanah rose up after she had eaten in …
CORRESPONDING COMPONENTS [64b top] Mishnah: A man should provide the proper amenities and foods for his wife [such as: a kav of …
FORCEFUL PLEASANTRIES [64a middle] The Gemarah discusses whether a woman should be able to collect her Kesuvah money if her husband refuses …
AUTHORIZED ABSENCE [63a top] R’ Akiva was sent by his wife to learn Torah and did not return for twelve years. When …
KEY CONSISTENCY [63a top] R’ Akiva overheard his wife wishing that he would stay away from his home and learn Torah another …