יום ב Date: 1 Tishrei, 5776 (10/3/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 7 {Tani}
DOCUMENTAL DATA [7b bottom] R’ Elazar: If a contract being held by two parties, where one is holding the Tofes (generic form …
DOCUMENTAL DATA [7b bottom] R’ Elazar: If a contract being held by two parties, where one is holding the Tofes (generic form …
BATHHOUSE BUMBLES [6b bottom] Gemarah: There was a bathhouse that was in dispute between two parties. One of the disputants ‘sanctified’ the …
MINDFUL MUZZLES [5b middle] R’ Yehudah: A regular shepherd is disqualified from being a witness (for he steals by allowing his animals …
WINNING WITNESSES [4b top] Gemarah: In a dispute between two parties, credit is given to the one that has witnesses validating his …
PREPARATION POWER [3b middle] Gemarah: If two people testify that someone is Mechallel Shabbos (by purposefully violating a prohibition of the day …
TORN TALLEISIM [2a top] Mishnah: If two people each claim that they own a Tallis [and they are both physically holding onto …
STEALING SOULS [119a bottom] R’ Yochanan: Anyone who steals from his friend (even just a Shevah Pruta) is considered as if he …
MISAPPROPRIATED MILK [118b bottom] Mishnah: One should not buy milk from a shepherd. Since his job is watch other people’s animals, he …
DISTURBING DEMOTIONS [117a bottom] R’ Kahana rightfully killed a man, for what the man was threatening to do. Rav advised him to …
DIVINE DEVOTEES [116b bottom] Rava: According to the principle of Rav, workers can even quit in the middle of their work day …