יום ה Date: 26 Elul, 5776 (9/29/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 3 {Tani Guterman}

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[3b middle] Gemarah: If two people testify that someone is Mechallel Shabbos (by purposefully violating a prohibition of the day after being given proper forewarning) the person is Chayiv Misah (liable to death).

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should be particularly careful in our observance of all laws, especially Shabbos. Since the Shabbos idea is essential to our lives [and our purpose for being in this world (since it teaches us the reason we work and prepare during the week/world is only to have a “Shabbos”/Next World)], it is critically important to maintain proper adherence to its rules, in order for us to stay ‘alive.’