יום א Date: 12 Adar I, 5776 (2/21/16) – Gittin Daf 70 {Tani}
CARING CARS [70a top] Elijah the prophet (who ascended to Heaven alive and would periodically come back to appear to sages of …
CARING CARS [70a top] Elijah the prophet (who ascended to Heaven alive and would periodically come back to appear to sages of …
ANXIOUS AILMENTS [70a bottom] Gemarah: Three things weaken a person: worry, travel, and sin. D-E-ep Thoughts: When we recognize G-d as the …
CURING COMPLAINTS [69b top] Gemarah: To alleviate intestinal pain, one should bring three hundred kernels of long peppers and every day for …
PLUCKING PIECES [69a bottom] Gemarah: When cooking many items in a pot with gallnuts, when the gallnuts are completely cooked one may …
EVIL ENERGIES [68b bottom] King Shlomo lost his superiority over the upper realms due to being influenced by evil forces (and later …
OVERT OPULENCE [68a bottom] Ashmadai laughed at a man trying to use divinations to bring him riches in this world because the …
WORKING WORDS [67b bottom] Gemarah: When suffering from chills, R’ Yosef would engage in turning a mill until he perspired and R’ …
DIVERSE DISTRACTIONS [67a middle] Isi ben Yehudah: R’ Yehudah was a great sage when he wanted to be. Maarotz Chayos: His “greatness” …
INCARCERATING INJUNCTIONS [66b top] Mishnah: Even while imprisoned by the Romans for disseminating Torah against the their rules, R’ Akiva ruled on …
SABBATH STOPPAGES [66a middle] Shor Mitzyonim Behalacha quoting Orech Chaim: Sheidim (demons) are unfinished creatures that were not completed as the sun …