יום ו Date: 10 Adar I, 5776 (2/19/16) – Gittin Daf 68 {Eliezer}

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[68a bottom] Ashmadai laughed at a man trying to use divinations to bring him riches in this world because the person was literally standing directly on top of many hidden treasures.

D-E-ep Thoughts (based on R’ Rosner): Sometimes, we have to stop running in 10,000 different directions and searching the seven seas to recognize what we have right in front of our eyes. All too often, people get desensitized to the numerous blessings they are surrounded with every day. Instead of having to learn to appreciate and miss things only after they are gone (Chas Vishalom), we should take time to reflect and thank Hashem for what we do have… the best riches we could ever ask for.