יום ד Date: 8 Adar I, 5776 (2/17/16) – Gittin Daf 66 {Eliezer}

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[66a middle] Shor Mitzyonim Behalacha quoting Orech Chaim:  Sheidim (demons) are unfinished creatures that were not completed as the sun set before Shabbos (and no more work could be done). This is not to say that G-d ‘ran out of time,’ but rather, Hashem is teaching us an important lesson to model ourselves after. No matter what we are in the middle of, once Shabbos arrives, we must cease all our creative activities.

D-E-ep Thoughts (based on R’ Rosner): This idea helps to ingrain in our psyche that everything we do is only the result of G-d’s willing it to be for us. By stopping when He tells us to, only doing things that He asks of us, and living through His commandments, we are demonstrating that we understand that as long as Hashem wills it for us, it will become a reality (regardless of how seemingly impossible it might seem).