יום א Date: 12 Adar I, 5776 (2/21/16) – Gittin Daf 70 {Tani}

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[70a top] Elijah the prophet (who ascended to Heaven alive and would periodically come back to appear to sages of later generations) told R’ Nassan that people should eat 1/3 of a stomach’s capacity, drink 1/3 of a stomach’s capacity, and leave 1/3 of a stomach unfilled. This way, if one gets angry after a meal, the person will be filled to capacity (and not burst be being overfilled).
Rashi: One who fills himself completely with food may become ill if he then becomes angry.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: The Torah always teaches us advice (including ways to avoid getting sick and maintaining a healthy lifestyle). It is important to keep our physical bodies healthy, just as it is important to take care of our cars. They both help us get what we what accomplished and where we want to go, and the more maintenance and care we give them, the more we are able to achieve.