יום ו Date: 12 Shevat, 5776 (1/22/16) – Gittin Daf 40 {Tani}
FREEDOM PHYLACTERIES [40a top] R’ Yehoshua ben Levi: If a one puts on Tefillin (phylacteries) in the presence of his master, the …
FREEDOM PHYLACTERIES [40a top] R’ Yehoshua ben Levi: If a one puts on Tefillin (phylacteries) in the presence of his master, the …
TROUBLESOME TEFILLIN [40a top] Tosephos: Slaves generally do not wear Tefillin (not that they are not allowed to). Just like women are …
PERSONAL PLEAS [39b bottom] Gemarah: There once was a certain slave-woman whose master was deathly ill. She came crying before him and …
REFRESHING RELATIONSHIPS [39a bottom] R’ Ava discusses a case involving a childless Ger (convert) whose possessions become ownerless after his passing (since …
WASTING WEALTH [38b top] Rabbah: Three things (sins) cause householders to lose their wealth: freeing slaves (inappropriately), inspecting fields (involving in financial …
RIGHTING RELATIONSHIPS [38a middle] Gemarah: A man who has “rights” to his slave is an actual master, but if a master does …
PERSONAL PATRONS [37a top] Rami bar Chama quoting a Braisa: Orphans do not need a Prozbul (a mechanism by which debts are …
REPETITIVE REAGENTS [37b top] Gemarah: During the Shemittah time, a lender has to say to a borrow, “Do not worry about the …
SUFFERING SLIGHTS [36b bottom] Rabbis taught in a Braisa: Regarding those who suffer insult but do not insult back in response, who …
BRAZEN BRANDING [36a middle] Rabbis used to sign documents using various unique symbols/logos to identify who they were: Rav drew a fish, …