יום ד Date: 10 Shevat, 5776 (1/20/16) – Gittin Daf 38 {Tani}

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[38b top] Rabbah: Three things (sins) cause householders to lose their wealth: freeing slaves (inappropriately), inspecting fields (involving in financial matters) on Shabbos, and scheduling meals on Shabbos during a Rabbi’s lecture in the study hall.
Chidushei Rabbeinu Azriel: In each of these cases the person is disrespecting and misusing the money that G-d has granted (giving away income, money is not to be handled on Shabbos, and purposely avoiding situations to help give out food to others), and in return Hashem takes funds away.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: It is very important to be respectful in all areas of our lives (ie: towards Shabbos, money, people, and Mitzvos). All our energies are not only put out into the world and affect our surroundings, but they also define our characters as well.