יום ב Date: 8 Shevat, 5776 (1/18/16) – Gittin Daf 36 {Tani}
[36b bottom] Rabbis taught in a Braisa: Regarding those who suffer insult but do not insult back in response, who hear their disgrace but do not reply, and who perform G-d’s will out of love and are happy even when going through suffering, the verse states, “They who love Him (G-d) shall be as the sun going forth in its might.” [Tosephos Harash: As the sun did speak back when the moon complained against it.]
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always try to accept G-d’s judgements and decisions with love and happiness (even when we do not know the reasons for them). We get the greatest reward for not responding negatively, and recognizing that everything is coming to us directly from Hashem [and He does everything for our best].