יום ה Date: 11 Shevat, 5776 (1/21/16) – Gittin Daf 39 {Tani}
[39b bottom] Gemarah: There once was a certain slave-woman whose master was deathly ill. She came crying before him and pleaded with him to free her (before he passed) rather than leave her to his heirs [since she was a very loyal servant for many years she felt it was time for her to be let go instead of serving her master’s next generation].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: At times, we may be required to come before others, especially the One Above, to plead and ask for mercy. We should never feel that we are too proud to lower ourselves when appropriate/necessary. Additionally, we should always feel/recognize that we have a constant open channel with our Creator and use it to ask for what we need and want.