יום א Date: 18 Tishrei, 5774 (10/12/14) – Yevamos#8 {Tani}
NOTHIN’ EXTRA [8b bottom] The Rabbis quoting R’ Yosi bar Chanina: If one performs Yebum (a brother marries his deceased brother’s wife) …
NOTHIN’ EXTRA [8b bottom] The Rabbis quoting R’ Yosi bar Chanina: If one performs Yebum (a brother marries his deceased brother’s wife) …
INNOVATIVE REASONING [7b bottom] King Yehoshaphat’s court innovated a new aspect of Rabbinic law (regarding someone who went to the Mikvah after having …
LAND INDEPENDENT [6b bottom] Gemarah: Shabbos is a personal obligation that generally applies in the land of Israel and outside the land …
NAVIGATION HELP [5a bottom] Gemarah: We cannot derive laws [namely that a positive commandment overrides other more stringent prohibitions] from a Nazirite’s …
WEARING IT OUT [4b top] Gemarah: The Pasuk (verse), “you shall not wear Sha’atnez (combined wool and linen),” teaches that only things …
PURE INTENTIONS [3a bottom] Abba Shaul:The Mishnah speaks about Chalitzah before Yebum to teach that the mitzvah of Chalitzah takes precedence. If …
DEARLY DEFINED [2b bottom] Gemarah: There are many cases of forbidden relationships that affects Yebum (a brother carrying on his deceased brother’s …
TABLES AS ALTARS [27a top] Yechezkel Hanavi was shown a vision of the future third Temple’s Shulchan (Table), the verse uses the …
THE SCARY GENTILE [26a middle] Gemarah: If a gentile came with Jewish tax collectors to search houses, the collectors are trusted [to …
FUTURE HOPE [25a middle] Ulla: In the galilee, the Chaverim [trustworthy individuals who are reliable in dealing with Taharah (cleanliness) of food …