יום ו Date: 16 Tishrei, 5774 (10/10/14) – Yevamos#6 {Tani}
[6b bottom] Gemarah: Shabbos is a personal obligation that generally applies in the land of Israel and outside the land as well [unlike Shemittah (7th year cessation of land work) which is a land obligation and only applies in Israel].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Many of our Mitzvos are considered personal (and apply all over the world, independent of where we are): Shabbos, Tefillin, Tzitzis, Tallis, etc. But many times we feel a much greater connection them inside the land of Israel. However, this should not be so! We should strive to make our Mitzvos as meaningful outside of the land of Israel as in the land of Israel itself. We should take one Mitzvah that is lacking is energy for us and try to make it better day by day. We can envision ourselves doing the Mitzvah in Israel with greater energy to help apply that enthusiasm to everyday life outside the Holy land.