יום ד Date: 14 Tishrei, 5774 (10/8/14) – Yevamos#4 {Tani}
[4b top] Gemarah: The Pasuk (verse), “you shall not wear Sha’atnez (combined wool and linen),” teaches that only things which are similar to actual wearing are prohibited under this law [only those items that provide physical benefit and are intended for these purposes are forbidden].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Make sure to use items for their intended purposes. A Tallis should be used to daven with and to wrap myself in Hashem’s Mitzvos, not to provide warmth in the frigid winter months. Similarly, we should use Sefarim (Hebrew books) to learn from, not to use as stands for ipods or ipads, G-d forbid.