יום ג Date: 18 Cheshvan, 5774 (11/11/14) – Yevamos#38 {Tani}
PAPERWEIGHTS [38b middle] Beis Shammai: A document for a debt that awaits collection is regarded as though the debt is already collected …
PAPERWEIGHTS [38b middle] Beis Shammai: A document for a debt that awaits collection is regarded as though the debt is already collected …
FIGHTING THE POWER [37b top] Rav upon visiting the city of Dardeshir and R’ Nachman upon visiting the city of Shechantziv would …
VIABILITY [36b bottom] Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel (explaining a Braisa): Any human newborn that survives for thirty days is considered a viable …
HIGHER STANDARDS [35a bottom] R’ Sheishess: The wife of a Yisroel who was violated (even though she is permitted to her husband) …
HOLY REASONS [34b top] Gemarah: Tamar ensured that when she united with Yehudah that she would conceive right away, with their first …
UNLAWFUL EXCHANGE [33b bottom] Mishna: Two men betrothed two wives and at the time they entered the Chuppah, the wives were exchanged …
A WICKED BURIAL [32b top] Rava explaining R’ Yose (and Ravin quoting R’ Yochanan from Israel): If a person cohabits with his …
The DERANGED MAN [31a bottom] Bar Shtya was a man who was prone to episodes of insanity (and during his insanity any …
QUESTIONABLE ACQUISITION [30b middle] Mishnah: If a person threw Kiddushin (money or a marriage document) to a woman in a public domain …
JUST PARTIALLY [29b middle] Gemarah: A Yevamah who is eligible for all stages of Yebum is eligible for part of the process, …