יום ב Date: 17 Cheshvan, 5774 (11/10/14) – Yevamos#37 {Tani}

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[37b top] Rav upon visiting the city of Dardeshir and R’ Nachman upon visiting the city of Shechantziv would each announce, “Who will agree to be married to me for the day(s) that I am here?” [These opportunities gave them permissible outlets to be in legal relationships with women while traveling abroad in addition to having families back home.]

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: If these great Rabbis went through such measures to protect themselves from their Yetzer Haras (evil inclinations), how much more so should we be careful to institute safeguards and boundaries for ourselves as well. We should make sure not to put ourselves into tempting situations or environments, so as not to have to fight against any Yezter Haras to begin with (i.e. someone who loves burgers should steer clear of any non-Kosher meat places; even if only to use their bathrooms so as not to tempt the Yezter Hara).