יום ג Date: 18 Cheshvan, 5774 (11/11/14) – Yevamos#38 {Tani}
[38b middle] Beis Shammai: A document for a debt that awaits collection is regarded as though the debt is already collected [one who holds such a document which has a claim against a certain property, is considered with regards to Chazakah (present possession) to already be in possession of the property itself].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Many times we think that we only get credit for actions that we see to fruition, and ones we do not complete (even with good intentions), we do not get credit for. It may be viewed as a “paperweight” (with no other function), unless actually fulfilled. But, we learn from this document that when we have intention to do something good (ie: a Mitzvah like charity), even if we do not actually get to do it, Hashem considers it for us as if we did and we get reward for having intended to do the good deed.