יום א Date: 16 Cheshvan, 5774 (11/9/14) – Yevamos#36 {Tani}

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[36b bottom] Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel (explaining a Braisa): Any human newborn that survives for thirty days is considered a viable child [this case is discussing a child who is questioned to be full term or not, but, if the child was definitely full term then it is assumed to be viable as soon as it is born]. If the child does not survive thirty days, then it is considered to be a child of uncertain viability.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should only know from good things and all babies surviving, Amen. In the olden days, it was much more dangerous for pregnant ladies and newborn children. This may be linked to the idea that according to some opinions, people who lose a baby (lo aleinu, we should never know of such tragedies) within thirty days do not sit Shiva, as the baby is not considered fully extant until then. We should only have to ever learn these things in theoretical application of principles, and always know from only good things and happy occasions.