יום ו Date: 28 Cheshvan, 5774 (11/21/14) – Yevamos#48 {Tani}
METICULOUSLY ACCURATE [48b bottom] R’ Yose: Converts are not punished for their previous transgressions. They may undergo many hardships because they are …
METICULOUSLY ACCURATE [48b bottom] R’ Yose: Converts are not punished for their previous transgressions. They may undergo many hardships because they are …
ONCE A JEW, ALWAYS A JEW [47b bottom] Gemarah: Once a man has a proper circumcision and a Mikvah immersion, he is …
A CONVERT’S STORY [46b top] R’ Chiya bar Abbah quoting R’ Yochanan: A man is not considered a convert until he gets …
FIT TO RULE [45b bottom] Rava declared Rami bar Rachel (a man whose mother was taken captive and violated by an idolater, …
WORDS ON ONE’S LEVEL [44A top] Braisa: When dealing with a Yavam (who is waiting to marry his deceased brother’s wife), the …
DAILY THANKS [43b bottom] Gemarah: The joy in doing Erusin (engagement) is only applicable where there is an accompanying feast (since the act …
WAIT AND SEE [42a top] Braisa: A male and a female convert who were married prior to their conversion must wait three …
STOP & WAIT [41a bottom] Mishnah: Tanna Kama: All women (whether pregnant or not, whether divorced or not, and whether virgins or …
PIGISH EATING [40a top] Gemarah: In regards to the Minchah Korbanos (sacrifices) [in which the Kohen has an obligation to eat], it …
PERFORM TODAY! [39b middle] Gemarah: If there are few brothers who a widow falls to as a Yevamah, even though it is …