יום ג Date: 25 Cheshvan, 5774 (11/18/14) – Yevamos#45 {Tani}
[45b bottom] Rava declared Rami bar Rachel (a man whose mother was taken captive and violated by an idolater, and the son born later converted) fit [to marry a Jewess] and appointed him among the officers of Babylonia. Since his mother was Jewish, it counts as appointing someone from “the midst of your brothers.”
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Many times we are too harsh on others and ostracize those that are different than us in any way. Rava teaches us here the proper conduct of how to treat others. We should try our best to treat those around us who are different (aka: “special”) in similar ways as well, honoring them and giving them proper treatment with respect.