יום ד Date: 26 Cheshvan, 5774 (11/19/14) – Yevamos#46 {Tani}

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[46b top] R’ Chiya bar Abbah quoting R’ Yochanan: A man is not considered a convert until he gets circumcised and immerses in a Mikvah (ritual bath).

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Circumcision is a Mitzvah given by Hashem that separates us from mankind to be in a Bris (treaty) with G-d to act properly in all matters; especially sacred/intimate ones. However, this is not enough for a convert. He must also shed his old self to become anew and cleansed through the purification waters of the Mikvah. This may be the reason for the custom to have an annual mikvah visit (as many go to the Mikvah for the new year at Rosh Hashanah and/or Yom Kippur to start out the year new fresh).