יום ו Date: 12 Tishrei, 5776 (10/14/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 18 ~ Tani Guterman
SEEKING SEARCHES [18b top] R’ Chisda told Rabbah to go out and look into a matter carefully, because in the evening Rav …
SEEKING SEARCHES [18b top] R’ Chisda told Rabbah to go out and look into a matter carefully, because in the evening Rav …
LOST LETTERS [17a middle] R’ Assi quoting R’ Yochanan: If one finds a note of indebtedness in the street with a certification …
“ROBBER, ROBBER!” [16a top] Gemarah: If a robber sold a particular stolen land, and then took that exact field as payment for …
STRONGER STRENGTH [15a middle] Rava to R’ Chiya: Since a creditor may not receive compensation (for improvements to the land) from a …
FREE FINANCES [14a middle] Gemarah: “A person does not give away money for nothing.” Rashi: To lend money without a lien is …
FEARSOME FIRES [13b middle] Gemarah: There is one particular Baraisa that seemingly contradicts R’ Elazar’s opinion in one aspect and also contradicts …
MATURE MAKINGS [12b top] R’ Chiya bar Abba quoting R’ Yochanan: An adult who still relies on his/her parent’s table is still …
FORGETFUL FIELDS [11a bottom] Gemarah: There is another Mitzvah involving one’s field called Shichichah (if a landowner forget to pick up a …
COURTYARD CLAIMS [10b middle] Reish Lakish: The source for a courtyard acquiring an item for its owner is derived from the concept …
WEIRD WAYS [9a bottom] R’ Kahana: It is not ‘the way of people’ to ride animals in the city. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We …