יום ב Date: 8 Tishrei, 5776 (10/10/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 14 {Tani}
[14a middle] Gemarah: “A person does not give away money for nothing.”
Rashi: To lend money without a lien is tantamount to giving away one’s money for nothing, for the borrower may be insolvent when the creditor comes to collect the debt, and may have sold all of his properties in the interim.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Since our money is extremely valuable, we should always look to get the ‘biggest bang for our buck.’ While stock shares are risky, they may paff off exponentially later. The wisest investments we can make with our finances are on spiritual diamonds that last forever [ie: spending on Torah education and Tzedakah donations].