יום ו Date: 5 Tishrei, 5776 (10/7/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 11 ~ Tani Guterman
[11a bottom] Gemarah: There is another Mitzvah involving one’s field called Shichichah (if a landowner forget to pick up a stalk, that he does not see it, or overlooks it as he goes through a row, he may not go back and pick it up and it must be left for the poor).
Rav Rosner: This Mitzvah is extremely unique as one can only do it without realizing it. There is no active participation since it is fulfilled by forgetting. When one does realize later, it gets ‘left’ in its location.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Sometimes, we may do things without realizing that a Mitzvah is being fulfilled. We may even get credit for those things that we are unaware of. If we focus on performing properly, Hashem will not only ensure that we get credit for what we are willing to be accomplished, but also receive ‘hidden’ bonus benefits as well.