יום ג Date: 21 Cheshvan, 5776 (11/22/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 57 ~ Tani Guterman
COMMON CROWDS [57b top] Gemarah: It is a novelty that the prohibitions against taking interest and committing price fraud are stricter in …
COMMON CROWDS [57b top] Gemarah: It is a novelty that the prohibitions against taking interest and committing price fraud are stricter in …
METAMORPHOSING MONIES [57b top] GM’ quoting a Mishnah: If someone accepted to provide flour (for the flour-offerings in the Temple) at a …
FRAUD FREE [56b top] Mishnah: R’ Yehudah: When on sells Torah scrolls, animals, or jewels, there is no consideration/prohibition of Ona’ah (‘price …
BRIDGING BREADS [56a top] Ravina quoting R’ Meir: If one purchases bread from an Am Ha’aretz (ignoramus) baker (who is suspected not …
PERSONAL PROPERTY [55b top] Mishnah: One of the five cases in which a surcharge fine of a fifth extra is imposed is …
GREATEST GIFTS [55a middle] Mishnah: There are five laws in which the minimum amount to apply would be a Perutah: Admissions to …
SPECIAL SHABBOS [54a bottom] R’ Yochanan: If Hekdesh (Holy) food was redeemed (but the additional required ⅕ payment was not added during its …
PURE PLEASURES [54a bottom] R’ Yochanan: The verse states, “And you will call Shabbos ONEG (a pleasure).” GM’ Yerushalmi: What is “Oneg” Shabbos? …
READY REDEMPTION [53b top] Mishnah: If food was purchased with Maaser Sheni money and it became Tamei (impure), the food may be …
ATTRACTIVE ANTIPODES [53a bottom] Gemarah: Biblical and Rabbinic ma’aser (tithes) cannot combine. Ran: In order for something to become Bitul (nullified) there …