יום ג Date: 21 Cheshvan, 5776 (11/22/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 57 ~ Eliezer Guterman

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[57b top] GM’ quoting a Mishnah: If someone accepted to provide flour (for the flour-offerings in the Temple) at a price of four Se’ahs per Sela, and the price then rose to three (Se’ahs per Sela), he must provide it at the accepted price [of four Se’ahs per Sela]. If he accepted to provide it at a price of three Se’ahs per Sela, and the price then fell to four (Seahs per Sela), he must provide it at the new price of four Se’ahs per Sela, for Hekdesh (as item designated for G-d) always has the upper hand.

D-E-ep Thoughts (based on R’ Rosner): Whenever we enter into deals (especially for Holy matters) we must remain true to our words and commitments. Regarding designated items to Hashem, we must never try to personally benefit (if it means Holiness is on the losing end). Even when we take change from Tzedakadah, we should always leave a little behind (so we are not simply ‘using’ the charity box for our own gain). We are here to serve G-d and others, therefore, everything we do should reflect that mindset.