שבת Date: 18 Cheshvan, 5776 (11/19/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 54 ~ Tani Guterman

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[54a bottom] R’ Yochanan: If Hekdesh (Holy) food was redeemed (but the additional required ⅕ payment was not added during its redemption), it is (still) able to be used on Shabbos. The two reasons why it is permissible are: A) The verse states, “And you will call Shabbos a pleasure.” and B) Treasurers will demand the (extra fifth) money in the marketplace (and therefore there is no suspicion of negligence).
R’ Rosner (quoting the Gra): There are two aspects of giving specialness to Shabbat; Kavod (preparing for Shabbos before the actual day) & Oneg (enjoying Shabbos on the day itself). Kavod includes: getting haircuts, cutting nails, showering, cooking, setting the table, and cleaning the house. Oneg includes: eating extra delicious foods, taking nice walks, learning Torah, and enjoying peaceful naps.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should do our best to be pre-Shabbos and on-Shabbos Jews. We are able to fulfill Mitzvos of Kavod Shabbos every single day during the week by having in mind and doing Holy preparations. Additionally, we should focus that everything on the day of Shabbos itself that we do and enjoy should be for the sake of the Oneg Mitzvah.