שבת Date: 14 Elul, 5776 (9/17/16) – Bava Kama Daf 109 {Tani Guterman}
PURE POSSESSIONS [109b bottom] Gemarah: and If a Kohen redeems a field (that would normally go to the Kohanim at Yovel) for …
PURE POSSESSIONS [109b bottom] Gemarah: and If a Kohen redeems a field (that would normally go to the Kohanim at Yovel) for …
MIRACULOUS MASKS [109b top] R’ Aharon quoting a Braisa to Ravina: If one steals from an adult convert, one must first check …
COMPLICATED CASES [108a bottom] Gemarah: Even when dealing with complicated cases, we still try to be lenient for an owner and the …
PILING PAYMENTS [108a middle] Ravina: Two watchers on one item both lie that it was stolen; one swears falsely and then admits …
DEFECTIVE DECLARATIONS [107b middle] R’ Chiya bar Yoseph: If someone swears falsely that a deposited object was lost, which he was watching …
CHUTZPAH CURRENTS [107a top] Rabbah: There is a Halachik assumption that one does not act brazenly (and completely lie) in front of …
PERFECTLY PLACED [106a bottom] Gemarah discusses many cases and possibilities pertaining to items that get “lost” or go missing. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We …
DEFENDING DISAGREERS [106a middle] Rami bar Chama asks R’ Nachman, why, if he does not hold like Rav, why would he (R’ …
CRITICIZING COMMENTS [105b bottom] Rabah to R’ Amram: “You do not have any insight!” [Since he did not figure out a certain …
GLADDENING GLASSES [105a middle] Gemarah: There is a debate as to whether focus should be given on what was done in the …