שבת Date: 14 Elul, 5776 (9/17/16) – Bava Kama Daf 109 {Tani Guterman}
[109b bottom] Gemarah: and If a Kohen redeems a field (that would normally go to the Kohanim at Yovel) for himself, before Yovel, the Kohen cannot say, “Being that the field goes to Kohanim on Yovel, and I am a Kohen who currently owns the field, I should get to keep the field.” [Since the verse states, “Like the field of a Cheirem to the Kohen will be his inheritance.” In this case, the field goes out of his possessions and is split amongst the other Kohanim].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should realize that all things in this world are not really ours, but belong to Hashem. We must abide by the rules of His Torah and recognize that we are simply being allowed to use G-d’s possessions (and should act most appropriately and unselfishly with them).