יום ה Date: 6 Nisan, 5775 (3/26/15) – Kesuvos#52 {Tani}
CLOSE CHOICES [52b middle] Rav Yochanan’s relatives had a widow of their father who needed healing treatments everyday. R’ Yochanan advised them …
CLOSE CHOICES [52b middle] Rav Yochanan’s relatives had a widow of their father who needed healing treatments everyday. R’ Yochanan advised them …
HARMFUL HELPERS [52b top] Mishnah: If a wife “became stricken” with an illness, her husband has obligation to help heal her. (R’ …
MEANINGFUL SILENCE [51b middle] Shmuel’s father heard an argument from Rav (to which he had a valid response), and he chose to …
ROYAL BANDITS [51b bottom] Gemarah: Compared to a real King, Ben Netzer (a famous bandit leader) was considered a nobody, but when …
PURE CHARITY [50a bottom] Rabbis in Yavne / R’ Eliezer: “Praiseworthy are the guardians of justice, who perform charity at every time,” …
BANK BREAKERS [50a top] R’ Illa: A person may not spend more than ⅕ of his/her assets [on Tzedakah (charity)], so the …
LEARNED SUPPORT [49a bottom] R’ Meir: There is a Mitzvah to sustain one’s daughters, and especially one’s sons [if they are involved …
UPSIDE-DOWN FROWNS [49b top] R’ Ila quoting Reish Lakish quoting R’ Yehudah bar Chanina: In Usha, they decreed that a person must …
BEFITTING CLOTHING [48a top] R’ Eliezer ben Yaakov: The words “She’eir” and “Kesus” are juxtaposed near each other to teach that a …
OUTER SHELLS [48a middle] R’ Yehudah: A husband must provide for his wife’s burial [according to the standards of her family (even …