יום ב Date: 3 Nisan, 5775 (3/23/15) – Kesuvos#49 {Tani}

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[49a bottom] R’ Meir: There is a Mitzvah to sustain one’s daughters, and especially one’s sons [if they are involved in the study of Torah (which is another Mitzvah)].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Torah learning is such a crucial element to the survival of the world, that people who support others’ learning get great credit. This is why many parents choose to support young married couples while the husband still has an opportunity to be involved in much study. Additionally, parents are obligated to teach their children Torah, and if they cannot do so, they can provide other methods (ie: Torah education in schools). We should never get upset at the expense of Jewish tuition for our children, since not only are we fulfilling a great Mitzvah (to which there is really no limit or dollar amount comparable), but we are also promised that Hashem pays us back the exact amounts we spend on it.