יום ג Date: 4 Nisan, 5775 (3/24/15) – Kesuvos#50 {Tani}
[50a bottom] Rabbis in Yavne / R’ Eliezer: “Praiseworthy are the guardians of justice, who perform charity at every time,” reflects about one who sustains his children when they are older minors (as care of younger children are reflected rather by obligations). R’ Shmuel bar Nachmani: The verse refers to one who raises an orphan boy/girl and marries the child off (and since the child is not biologically related, the support is an act of ‘pure charity’).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: One should never see children as “charity cases” or burdens. We must realize that by raising our children we are doing great Mitzvos that will benefit them (as well as ourselves) for eternity [both in this world and the next]. Additionally, when parents adopt children, they get even more merit [since they took on extra obligations that were not given to them, emulating true “Gemilus Chassadim” (loving kindness)] and are even credited with giving birth to them! We should constantly reflect on this wonderful Mitzvah of raising children while appreciating the opportunities and roles we are blessed with fulfilling.