יום א Date: 2 Nisan, 5775 (3/22/15) – Kesuvos#48 {Tani}

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[48a top] R’ Eliezer ben Yaakov: The words “She’eir” and “Kesus” are juxtaposed near each other to teach that a man must provide clothing for his wife ‘according to her flesh.’ One should not give young woman’s clothes to his wife who is older, nor old woman’s clothes to his young wife. “Onah” and “Kesus” teach that one must give clothing befitting the proper season (ie: heavy garments during winter seasons and lighter clothing during the summer).

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always give our spouses what they need properly. Sometimes we feel that our spouse ‘should’ wear something or act in certain ways just because it suits us better. We must remember to give appropriately for whatever ‘season’ our other half may be involved in.