יום ג Date: 30 Av, 5774 (8/26/14) – MoedKatan#15 {Tani}
Daily GLORY [15a middle] Gemarah: We know that usually a mourner may not wear Tefillin (on the first day) because Hashem had …
Daily GLORY [15a middle] Gemarah: We know that usually a mourner may not wear Tefillin (on the first day) because Hashem had …
Tefillin TRANSFORMERS [15a middle] Rivta: It is only the first day that a mourner does not wear Tefillin because we cannot take …
Presentable Appearances [14a top] Mishna: The Rabbanan prohibited most people from cutting their hair on Chol Hamoed (intermediary holy days) because they …
Getting MESSAGES [14a bottom] R’ Pinchas mentions that we do Kriah (tearing of a mourner’s clothing) for a Katan (child) because of …
To Each His Own [13a top] The Rabbis bring different proofs that transgressing Rabbinic laws do not bring punishments upon descendants (ie: …
APPRECIATING OPPORTUNITIES [13a top] R’ Yirmiyah to R Zeira: One must free a Jewish slave from an idolator because with each passing …
Reaping Benefits [12b middle] Shmuel objected when Rav’s harvest was reaped on Chol Hamoed. Although it was not Asur (prohibited) to do …
SWINGING AXES [12b bottom] R’ Ashi intended to cut down a tree on Chol Hamoed for sawdust for that day’s use. R’ …
A FISHY Story [11a bottom] Rav: The healthy way to eat fish is to first broil it with its “brother” [salt (since …
The BLAME Game [11a middle] R’ Chisda: When the Gemarah explains that on Chol Hamoed one may not bang with a hammer …