שבת Date: 27 Av, 5774 (8/23/14) – MoedKatan#12 {Tani}
Reaping Benefits
[12b middle] Shmuel objected when Rav’s harvest was reaped on Chol Hamoed. Although it was not Asur (prohibited) to do so theoretically, if the reaping was done after the YomTov no money would have been lost (as wheat does not spoil). Some answer hat Rav had nothing else to eat (and Shmuel did not know this). Others answer that even though it was technically permitted, since Rav was a prominent person (and prominent people are held to much higher standards) he still should have waited.
T’s Lesson: Many times when we compare ourselves to others we think we are not so bad. “So what if I do not Daven on time or Learn much, at least I’m not like Shmerl who sits around all day. Also, I do not murder, lie, or steal like my coworkers!” However, Hashem and Judaism, holds us to a higher standard. We must become the best we can be without comparisons to others; the best Shlomo, Chaim, or Yitzchok possible.Hashem will ask us after 120 why we did not fulfill our specific character potential. Just as the sages were held to higher standards, we are all held to our unique highest standards and are judged to become the best possible people we could become for ourselves.