יום ב Date: 29 Av, 5774 (8/25/14) – MoedKatan#14 {Eliezer}

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[14a bottom] R’ Pinchas mentions that we do Kriah (tearing of a mourner’s clothing) for a Katan (child) because of Agmas Nefesh (suffering of the soul).
Orech: The suffering is not necessarily that of the child (because the young one may not completely understand) but rather the Kriah is done for everyone else’s Agmas Nefesh.
R’ Rosner: When see a child saying Kadish in Shul for someone who passed away, it breaks our hearts. The laws for children are applied to help make US feel bad for them.

E’s Lesson: Hashem always has us witness things to teach us lessons. When something happens to someone else we should get the message properly. Even though others have their own accounts with G-d, if we saw or heard something it is because He wanted to tell us a message as well. Hashem always does things further removed from us as a warning message to get us in line before (Chas V’shalom) He hits even closer to home. May we always “get the hint” when we hear stories on the news from other far off places and people and return to Hashem speedily.