יום ב Date: 29 Av, 5774 (8/25/14) – MoedKatan#14 {Tani}
Presentable Appearances
[14a top] Mishna: The Rabbanan prohibited most people from cutting their hair on Chol Hamoed (intermediary holy days) because they should not enter the first days of the festival looking unkempt.
T’s Lesson: We see the importance of keeping a clean and presentable appearance, especially in honor of festivals (and Shabbos). We should always remember that we are sons and daughters of the one true King, Hashem, and have to look that way. A person should never think that it is ok not to look presentable just because his wife or family does not mind it. Even if one has no wife or significant others, he is still Hashem’s child/prince, and must look the part. We are commanded to take care of our bodies “ושמרתם את נפשותיכם” and just like we must not sully our bodies with ink, alcohol, or drugs, so too we must take care of our bodies with proper hygiene and appearance (especially for holidays, and Shabbos).