16 Adar II, 5774 (3/18/14) – Sukkah#43 {Tani}
Gemarah [43b top]: A lulav may only be brought on Shabbos if it is the 1st day of the festival (which is …
Gemarah [43b top]: A lulav may only be brought on Shabbos if it is the 1st day of the festival (which is …
Gemarah [43b top]: A lulav may only be brought on Shabbos if it is the 1st day of the festival (which is …
Baraisa [42a bottom]: A minor should do mitzvos at the age of chinuch (when one understands how to do them, some say …
Abaye [42a top]: To not fulfill the Mitzvah of lulav right away, hold it upside down when carrying. Tosephos [Amar Abaye]: This …
Gemarah [41b middle]: On the 1st day of Sukkos, the lulav must be “yours,” in order to fulfill your mitzvah (obligation). It …
R’ Yochanan (Mishna 41a): The reason we shake a lulav for 7 days is because Hashem wants us to “seek out” Tzion …
R’ Yosi bar Chaninah [40b middle]: One must be very careful with the “dust” of shemittah (not to work land to produce …
Klay Ya’kor: – Our Gemarah talks about not eating the fruit of our trees for the first three years (Urla). Why three? Because …
FIRE and ICE Based on the teachings of:R’ Jonathan Sacks, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, R’ Tatz & R’ Rosner [Fun Trivia: How many …
The ‘EASY’ life. Based on the teachings of:R’ Shalom Rosner and R’ Akiva Tatz [Fun Trivia: Count the Holidays alluded to in this …